Why Yorkie Tails Are Docked: Pros, Cons & Rules

Yorkie tail docking is a common practice among breeders and owners of young puppies, as it involves removing a portion of the related Yorkie’s tails, usually within the first few days of a puppy’s life. While some argue that tail docking can prevent injury or infection, little evidence supports these claims. Undocked tails are natural and should be considered an option for those who prefer a more natural appearance for their pets. However, the reasons for tail docking are largely cosmetic, as it is believed to give the dog a more streamlined appearance.

Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies as they are often called, are small dogs with long hair that require regular grooming. They have become increasingly popular over the years due to their cute and cuddly appearance. However, their docked tails are one characteristic that sets them apart from other breeds. If you’re looking to adopt young puppies, finding a reputable breeder approved by the American Kennel Club is important. Additionally, it’s recommended to take your new pets to the vet for regular checkups.

So where exactly are Yorkies docked? Typically, only about one-third of the tail is removed during the procedure of docking tails for Yorkshire Terriers, a popular breed among dog owners. This means that most Yorkies will still have a small natural tail nub at the base of their spine. The length of this nub can vary depending on how much was removed during the procedure.

While many people believe that yorkie tail docking is necessary for health reasons, the relation is that Yorky’s tails are perfectly fine in their natural state. Some countries have even banned the practice altogether due to concerns about animal cruelty. However, Yorkshire terrier tail docking in dog shows is still common practice to meet breed standards.

Despite this controversy, many breeders and owners continue to dock their pup’s tails through the docking procedure for aesthetic purposes. Some believe it gives them a more refined look and makes them easier to groom. Others prefer how it looks and feel that it sets their dog apart. However, it is important to note that the cut can result in discomfort and potential health issues for the pup.

Regardless of your opinion on yorkie tail docking, it is important to remember that a licensed veterinarian should only cut related cookie tails using safe and humane methods. If you are considering getting a pup with a docked tail or having your current pet’s tail cut, research and consult a professional before making any decisions. Also, remember that how the tail is cut can greatly affect how it will look.

Reasons for Docking a Yorkie’s Tail

Main Reasons for Docking a Yorkie’s Tail

Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies as commonly known, are small dogs that have been popular pets for many years. One of the distinguishing features of this breed is their docked tail, which is done for medical needs and enhances their look. While some people find this feature cute and endearing, others may wonder why removing part of an animal’s body is necessary. There are several reasons why Yorkie tails are docked, including the need for medical attention and cosmetic factors to improve their overall look.

Medical Reasons for Tail Docking

One reason why Yorkie tails are cut or docked is for medical purposes. When babies are born, their tails can look prone to injury or infection if caught in bedding or other objects. Some breeds may need tail docking to prevent certain health conditions that affect the tail area, such as tumors and infections. By removing part of the tail at an early age, these risks can be minimized.

Cosmetic Reasons for Tail Docking

Another reason why Yorkie tails are docked is for cosmetic reasons. Some breed standards require that a Yorkie’s tail be cut and shortened to conform to a specific appearance standard. This means that dogs with longer tails may need to be cut to be considered purebred according to these standards.

Real Reason Behind Tail Docking

The real reason behind tail docking, particularly in Yorkie puppies, is often debated among pet owners and animal welfare advocates. While there may be valid medical reasons for the procedure, many argue that cutting off Yorkies’ tails simply for aesthetic purposes is unnecessary and cruel. As a result, more people opt for undocked Yorkies, as they believe it is more humane to keep their tails intact.

Many countries have banned the practice of tail docking for Yorkie puppies altogether due to concerns about animal welfare. In the United States, however, tail docking for Yorkie puppies remains legal but is becoming less common as more people become aware of its potential harm.

Breeding Standards and Tail Docking Guidelines

Why Yorkie Tails Are Docked

Breed Standards and Tail Docking Guidelines

Docking tails, or surgically removing a portion of a dog’s tail, has been controversial for many years. While some argue that it is necessary to conform to breed standards and guidelines, others believe it is unnecessary and even harmful to the animal. In this section, we will explore why breed standards dictate tail docking for certain breeds, how tail docking is done to meet these standards, and what licensing requirements groomers may need to know.

Breed Standards: The Why

Breed standards are guidelines established by kennel clubs that describe the ideal physical characteristics of a particular breed. These standards often include specific instructions on how long or short a dog’s tail should be. For example, the American Kennel Club (AKC) states that for certain breeds, such as Boxers and Doberman Pinschers, “the docking of tails and cropping of ears in America is legal and remains a personal choice.” The Australian National Kennel Council (ANKC) also allows tail docking in certain breeds, such as Cocker Spaniels and Rottweilers.

Tail Docking: The How

Tail docking is typically performed when puppies are just a few days old. Breeders will remove part of the puppy’s tail using surgical scissors or other cutting tools. In some cases, puppies may receive anesthesia during the procedure; however, many breeders do not use anesthesia due to concerns about potential risks.

While some breeders dock tails to conform to breed standards for dog shows, others argue that it also serves practical purposes. For example, working dogs such as hunting dogs or herding dogs may be more prone to injury if they have long tails that can get caught in bushes or underbrush while working.

Licensing Requirements: What Groomers Need to Know

If you are considering becoming a licensed groomer or already working in the grooming industry, it is important to be familiar with breed standards and tail docking guidelines. Depending on where you live, licensing requirements may include knowledge of these standards and guidelines.

For example, the Continental Kennel Club (CKC) requires that groomers “have a working knowledge of the breeds they service,” including information about breed standards and grooming requirements. The AKC also offers a certification program for groomers that includes information about breed standards and tail docking guidelines.

Pros of Docking a Yorkie’s Tail

Preventing Injuries and Infections: The Benefits of Docking a Yorkie’s Tail

Docking a Yorkie’s tail has been a common practice for many years, with several benefits. One of the most significant advantages is that it can prevent injuries and infections. Yorkies are small dogs that love to run around and play, but their tails can be sensitive and prone to injury. If they get caught in something or accidentally stepped on, it could cause severe pain and even lead to an infection.

By docking their tails, owners can eliminate this risk. Docking involves removing part of the tail at a young age before the nerves fully develop, so there is minimal discomfort during the procedure. Once healed, the dog will have a shorter tail that is less likely to get caught in anything or cause problems.

Improved Hygiene and Cleanliness

Another benefit of docking a Yorkie’s tail is that it can improve its hygiene and cleanliness. Long-haired breeds like Yorkies tend to accumulate dirt, feces, and other debris around their rear end area due to their long tails dragging on the ground. This buildup can lead to skin irritation, bacterial infections, and unpleasant odors.

Owners can eliminate this problem by docking their tails, as no hair will drag along the ground. It allows for better hygiene practices as cleaning becomes more manageable without having any excess hair in the way.

Enhanced Appearance

Yorkies are known for being adorable little dogs with cute features such as big eyes and fluffy fur coats. Docking their tails enhances this appearance by giving them a more streamlined look while still maintaining their overall cuteness factor.

Some breed standards require docking for Yorkies if they are going to compete in shows. As such, owners who want to show off their furry friends may choose to dock their tails for aesthetic reasons.

Cons of Docking a Yorkie’s Tail

The Cons of Docking a Yorkie’s Tail

Pain and Discomfort

Docking a Yorkie’s tail involves the removal of a portion of the tail. This procedure can cause pain and discomfort for the dog. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) states that tail docking is a painful procedure without proven benefit to the dog. The AVMA also emphasizes that veterinarians should only perform procedures necessary for the animal’s health.


Tail docking can lead to complications such as infections and nerve damage. Infections can occur if the wound is not properly cared for after surgery. Nerve damage can result in chronic pain or loss of sensation in the tail area. Studies have shown that dogs who undergo tail docking are more likely to experience chronic pain than those who do not.

Communication and Balance

Yorkies use their tails for communication and balance, which can be affected by docking. Dogs use Tails to express emotions such as happiness, fear, and aggression through body language. When a dog’s tail is docked, it may have difficulty communicating with other dogs or humans. Tails help dogs maintain balance while walking or running, so removing them can affect their mobility.

Animal Welfare Concerns

Due to animal welfare concerns, docking a Yorkie’s tail is illegal in some countries and states. These laws recognize that tail docking is an unnecessary cosmetic procedure that causes harm to animals without providing any medical benefit. Many veterinary organizations, including the AVMA and British Veterinary Association (BVA), oppose routine tail docking.

No Medical or Functional Reason

There is no medical or functional reason to dock a Yorkie’s tail, making it a cosmetic procedure. Historically, tails were docked on working breeds like hunting dogs to prevent injury while on the job. However, this practice has become obsolete as modern veterinary medicine provides alternative methods for preventing injuries.

Age Requirements and Methods for Docking a Yorkie’s Tail

Docking a Yorkie’s tail is typically done at a young age, and the most common method for docking a Yorkie’s tail is surgical scissors or a scalpel. In some countries, docking a Yorkie’s tail is illegal unless it is done for medical reasons. Here are some important points to remember when considering age requirements and methods for docking a Yorkie’s tail.

Young Age

Yorkies are typically docked between the ages of 3 and 5 days old. This is because their tails have not yet fully developed, which makes the procedure less painful and easier to perform. Docking at this age also ensures that the tail will heal quickly without any complications.

Surgical Methods

Surgical scissors or scalpels are the most common method for docking a Yorkie’s tail. The veterinarian will first clean the area around the base of the tail and then use local anesthesia to numb the area. They will then incite through the skin and muscle tissue, cutting through bone if necessary, before finally stitching up the wound with dissolvable sutures.

Legal Considerations

In some countries, such as Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Europe, docking a dog’s tail for cosmetic reasons has been banned altogether. Only licensed veterinarians can perform this procedure in other countries where it remains legal but regulated, like in the USA and Canada.

Pain Management During the Docking Procedure

Anesthesia and Pain Management during the Docking Procedure

Docking is a surgical procedure that involves removing part of a dog’s tail using surgical scissors or a rubber band. This practice has been controversial for years, with some arguing that it is inhumane and unnecessary. However, there are certain breeds of dogs, such as Yorkies, where docking is considered a medical necessity to prevent injuries and infections. This section will discuss the importance of anesthesia and pain management during the docking procedure.

Anesthesia is used to minimize pain and discomfort during the docking process of a dog’s tail. Using anesthesia ensures the dog does not feel any pain while undergoing surgery to remove the undocked tail. This can prevent yorkie tail injuries due to accidental trauma or other incidents. Anesthesia is crucial to ensure that the dog does not experience any pain during the procedure and can recover quickly without any complications.

Pain management is crucial to ensure proper healing and prevent infection after surgery, especially for dogs with tail injuries. Yorkie tails are often docked, which can cause nerve damage and pain. Dogs with undocked tails may also experience tail injuries that require pain medication such as opioids or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) prescribed by veterinarians to manage post-operative pain effectively.

The docking process can affect the dog’s blood supply and nervous system, especially regarding the Yorkie tail. If not done correctly, it may lead to complications that could have been avoided if the dog were allowed to keep its natural tail. Therefore, it’s essential to have an experienced veterinarian perform this procedure using sterilized equipment in a clean environment to minimize any risks associated with it.

Making an Informed Decision About Yorkie Tail Docking

Tail docking has been a long-standing tradition among dog breeds, including Yorkies. While the practice has its supporters and detractors, it’s important to understand the reasons behind it before deciding whetherorkie’s tail.

Breeding standards and guidelines dictate that for certain breeds, including Yorkies, tails should be docked for aesthetic and practical reasons. The breed standard calls for a “tail docked to a medium length,” which is why many reputable breeders will have their puppies’ tails docked at an early age.

Proponents of tail docking argue that it can prevent injuries from hunting or fighting with other dogs. In some working dog breeds, such as those used in law enforcement or search and rescue, tail docking is believed to improve agility and reduce the risk of injury when performing high-intensity tasks.

However, opponents of tail docking argue that it is unnecessary and cruel. They claim that no evidence supports the idea that docking prevents injury or improves performance in working dogs. Furthermore, they argue that the procedure can cause the animal pain and distress.

If you’re considering having your Yorkie’s tail docked, it’s important to research and makes an informed decision based on your beliefs and values. Consider consulting with your veterinarian or breeder for guidance on whether or not tail docking is appropriate for your dog.

If you decide to proceed with tail docking, choose a reputable veterinarian who uses proper pain management techniques during the procedure. It’s also important to carefully follow all post-operative care instructions to ensure proper healing.